
Friday, April 28, 2006

phoenix comic strip - 1976 - louis james/jim roessler

"PHOENIX" Monthly newspaper, (The Piper) comic strip

Dunedin High School, Oct/Nov. 1976)

I was a sophomore, here, when I wrote, paneled and lettered this.

(I was taking drafting and

writing film reviews of movies still in production.)

My bud, jim Roessler, penciled and inked the art.

(He was legally incorrigible.)

I was heavily influenced by Starlins Cosmic Warlock, at the time. Steranko, too.

Gotta have the house ad, dontcha know.

Prickly editor didn't get it and yanked it.


And to this day, I'm still, very much, misunderstood.

Anyway, the cartoonist/clip art guy had a brainstorm and this next was the result.

We also filmed some stop-motion crap with my Honeywell Dual Super-8

while committing prank "phone calls" on his CB radio.


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